Who would you vote for in 2016?

We may not all be old enough to vote, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have an opinion. With the 2016 election coming up and primaries under way, Hatter’s Herald wanted to know your peers’ stances on the current political parties and who they would vote for if they could.
Also, for those of you who took part in the library voting polls, the results are in! And our next president is…Bernie Sanders who came out victorious with 57 percent of the vote. Hillary Clinton received 19 percent and Donald Trump came in third with 13 percent. However, the only civics class that did not have Sanders as a majority vote was Mrs. Boucher’s 5th period class, with Hillary winning with 43 percent of the vote. Overall, results show that education and economy are important issues for our student body, and Sanders’ free tuition resides with us.
So take a look at our video, and see who your peers want as our next president.