Netflix’s new trivia show: ‘Cat Burglar’
Screenshot taken by Mackenzie Gentile
Cat Burglar opening scene
March 16, 2022

Netflix took a twist coming out with a new interactive trivia game, Cat Burglar. In the game/show it will give you different scenes with trivia questions. As you answer the question the Cat Burglar comes closer to being able to steal the painting. If you get the questions wrong the Cat loses a life. Cat Burglar is about a cat and a security guard dog that you need to be able to bypass to steal the paintings. Every couple of minutes, it will give you three different trivia questions that you have to answer in a short amount of time. Depending on if you get the questions wrong or right it gives you different cut scenes. Also, you have three lives in the game and after you have finished those lives up, you get sent to heaven and you can restart the level or painting that you are working to get. Each story is the same thing, but the scenes vary each time. You could get either the same story as the one you did before or you could get some of the scenes based on how you answered the questions and if you got them right or not. The questions that they give you throughout the show can be as easy as the colors of the rainbow or as difficult as picking out the different paintings Picasso made.
We had a pretty similar opinion, as we opened the game we were super excited and found it fun and interesting to go through the level. It started off difficult and we were constantly going to each other for help. After the first episode, it became very repetitive, the scenes weren’t as fun to watch and felt like work to complete. The trivia questions also became very easy and annoying to complete. We believed that each of the paintings should have had a better storyline and was not so repetitive. As we finished the game, it ended up being boring and nothing new to us. The only difference between each of the scenes was the questions and at that point, it wasn’t as exciting to answer them any more. We wish that it had more flavor and entertainment and didn’t start and end the same way as each other. When it came to a new level nothing had changed and it just felt like one continuous loop over and over again until it finally had ended. Honestly, we believe that Netflix could have done a better job with constructing and putting together this show. As watchers, we don’t like to see the same thing over and over again to where it gets boring and no one wants to finish the show. We wish that it wasn’t so much of a knock-off version of Tom and Jerry. Overall, we believe that it is fun for the first or second level of the game, but after that, there’s not much more to it.