Former NBA star to tell his story of substance abuse and recovery

Herren will make April 6 appearance

Courtesy of the American Program Bureau

Courtesy of the American Program Bureau

Akua Atakora, Staff writer

Former NBA star Chris Herren of Fall River, Mass., will present his story of substance abuse and recovery in presentations at DHS on April 6 as part of the annual Freshman Forum on Alcohol and Substance Abuse.

Herren, who played for the Nuggets and the Celtics, has been alcohol- and drug-free since 2008. It was his addiction that caused him to lose it all.

Since becoming sober, Herren has become a significant inspirational speaker. He shares his harrowing story of abuse and recovery, just as he did in his memoir “Basketball Junkie.” His story was also the subject of an ESPN film.

Herren’s presentation will share the brutally honest truth from growing up in Fall River, to playing Division 1 basketball and in the NBA, and his journey from addiction to sobriety.

Furthemore  his story correlates with the beginning of gateway drugs, prescription drugs and self harm.

The presentation, which includes an assembly during the school day and a 7 p.m. event for the public, will include audience questions and is an opportunity for students to acquire knowledge on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, according to crisis counselor Stan Watkins.