Rishik Sunak Controversy

December 7, 2022
Just a few weeks after Liz Truss’ resignation, Rishi Sunak is elected prime minister of the UK. Rishi Sunak is the first Prime Minister of Indian origin in the UK, he is also a very controversial figure. Rishi Sunak has taken a lot of heat from the LGBTQ community after his comments on trans and women’s reproductive rights. Sunak was asked, “Yes or no. Is transwoman a woman?” Sunak answered, “No.” Rishi Sunak then went on to clarify his statement by saying “It is important to have compassion and respect for people’s views.” He goes on to say, “when it comes to questions like toilets or sports, you know, I’m of the view that biology is important, it’s fundamental, it’s critical to how we approach those types of questions.” However, before he was elected Prime Minister his stance on the subject was the opposite. When Rishi Sunak was running for Prime Minister he claimed “we will vigorously combat harassment and violence against all religious groups, and against LGBT people.” He was criticized for being absent during a voting procedure for extending same-sex marriage to Northern Ireland in 2019. The British Parliament has also abstained Rishi Sunak from voting about reproductive healthcare. He did not vote on access to abortion, introducing buffer zones for healthcare clinics in the UK, and making the pills-by-post scheme permanent, which allows abortion pills to be available at home. After receiving massive support and winning the election in a landslide, Rishi Sunak’s campaign as the UK’s Prime Minister has begun with a very shaky start.