Danbury: A Town And Its Mall

March 20, 2023
Danbury CT has a fruitful history of infrastructure, parks, and public sites but history does not entertain the new generation of young adults. Throughout several years, adults, teens, and little children have all gone to one place in Danbury, the Danbury Fair Mall. The mall to this day is compacted with people every week either for shopping purposes or just for pure enjoyment. When asking sophomore Lilly Calipa where she would go with her friends if not for the Danbury mall she replied, “literally nowhere.” The Danbury Mall has been the place to go for years, but there are many other places like Thrillz High Flying Adventure Park, Jumpz Trampoline Sports Danbury, and Xtreme Play Extreme Adventure Park; all places though old to us, are still technically new when being compared to places like the mall which was created in the 80s. Upon asking sophomore Christopher Cooney about his preference, he explained “Bounce (Jumpz) and Thrillz have become more like places for little kids to go so for high schoolers to go there it seems a little dumb. The mall is a nice place to go but until it becomes more enjoyable…” Many DHS teenagers agree with Cooney on the idea that Jumpz and Thrillz are places that younger kids attend for birthday parties or with friends, while the mall is still the popular choice for young adults. However, many believe that the mall has progressively become duller over time. Freshman Alicia Jos, says that the mall “is not overrated it’s just the only place to go”. To many people though going to the same place does get duller and the mall rarely changes, as the majority of the stores from 2014 are still there with the addition of a few new ones and food places, other than that it has stayed the same. It’s time that more modern places should be introduced for families and teens to go to. Overall, the Danbury Fair Mall offers a great experience for those of all ages, but Danbury should try to create more places for future generations.
Daryl Zanfordino • Jul 16, 2023 at 9:26 pm
I totally agree. I moved to Danbury in1987 and there were many more things to do for young people. My son was born in1991 and he and his friends would always complain that there was nothing to do in Danbury. So they would come to my house and play video games, listen to music and just hang out instead of being out in the streets getting in trouble. Most of them are grown and moved away because they say there is nothing here for them anymore. I agree because to do anything entertaining you have to go outside of Danbury.