Gender inequality is an issue that continues to be prominent in society. One form of gender discrimination is workforce bias. Women are constantly degraded as their earnings and opportunities are negatively affected by things such as the gender wage gap and the lack of women in leadership positions.
The gender wage gap is an important topic that needs more attention. This issue permits the statistic that women earn 82 cents for every dollar a man earns to exist. If issues like the gender wage gap continue, women will constantly be treated unfairly in comparison to men. As a community, we need to advocate for women’s rights in order to ensure that men and women are given the same treatment.
The lack of women in leadership positions is a devastating problem that stems from stereotyping professional women in their workplaces and preventing their leadership aspirations. “Employers tend to interpret men’s assertive behavior in the workplace as strong, commanding, and direct, but when women display the same assertiveness, their employers often see them as aggressive, pushy, and shrill,” says St. Catherine’s University. This idea displays how stigmatized society is, which correlates to “women’s lower economic status,” says the National Library of Medicine. With fewer women in higher job positions, it is evident that they are getting fewer promotions and raises and generally making less money in contrast to men.
Ultimately, women have been second to men, and these conditions need to be changed. Overall, women and men deserve the same opportunities, as they are just as effective in the workforce as men are.