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The Hatters' Herald

Danbury High School     43 Clapboard Ridge Road Danbury, CT 06811     (203) 797-4800

The Hatters' Herald

Danbury High School     43 Clapboard Ridge Road Danbury, CT 06811     (203) 797-4800

The Hatters' Herald

The emotions behind the departure of the DHS seniors


As June approached and summer was nearing, the seniors of DHS prepared for their final days at school before the last events and their eventual walk across the stage. Unlike the rest of the school whose last day is June 14, the class of ‘24 gets an early start to their vacation, leaving on June 5th. The events leading up to graduation consist of ones such as Senior Barbecue, Senior Sunset, and the highly anticipated Commits Day. Observing the departing seniors wear shirts that represent their new school brings forth so many bittersweet emotions for their peers or teachers. The goodbye to seniors is always one of the most painful, yet exciting experiences.

From left to right: Samuel Brito, Christopher Bishop

Senior and BOG President Pearl Chia stated that “graduating is something that has always been sort of the end goal. We all know we’re supposed to, but the fact that we’re actually about to and it’s so close, it feels so surreal.” As she prepares to head to Rhode Island and attend Brown University, Pearl recalls the familiar faces of the “kids we’ve seen everyday and known since we were 5”, realizing suddenly that they’re “not even going to be in the same state” anymore. For her, and many of her classmates, the emotions are hard hitting, but somewhat coming at a slow pace because there are so many factors to consider. Whether it is the departure from friends, teachers, or the kickstart of a new life, these seniors have a lot to grapple with within these next months.

It’s not just the class of ‘24 facing these bittersweet emotions, however. The friends and peers who are not in their class can also attest to the pain of leaving them behind. Nelson Ly, a junior at Danbury High, says he’s “had such a close connection with my senior friends” and he’ll “never forget the memories made with these people.” He even admits to making a timelapse of him crying whilst reading their notes in his yearbook. Though he has one more year at the school, he will be experiencing it without the bonds he made with those heading off to college now. Like many in DHS, the impact of the graduating class has been strong and fulfilling.

From left to right: Isaiah Batista, Joshua Morales, Aaliyah Castillo

On a similar note, their teachers, those who lead the class of ‘24 from mere freshmen on online classes to full adults, have experienced these realizations and the routine of farewells. Paired with the saddened emotions they may deal with, there is also pride and anticipation: “Watching students see their hard work pay off at the end of their senior year is one of the most satisfying moments for a teacher”, says Mr. Hare, a renowned and well-loved teacher at DHS. The seniors’ mentors can only hold trust in the soon-to-be alumni, and faith that they will achieve their educational goals.

With the despair of anything coming to an end also comes joy that it occurred at all. As the class of ‘24 leave behind their legacy and memories, they enter new doors and pathways that will only benefit them. Their mark on Danbury High will live on through their teachers and friends as they carry on their attitude and motivation to the next school they will positively impact for good.


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About the Contributor
Linda Nucullaj
Linda Nucullaj, Staff Writer
Hey everyone, my name is Linda, and I am a senior here at DHS :) I decided to join the Hatter's Herald this year because writing has always been something I am fond of, and is definitely something I'd like to pursue in the future (along with political science). I'm a member of NEHS, an intern for the Danbury Library, and also hold a title as the Secretary for the DHS Class of 2024. Outside of school, I love movies, music, and books, as well as spending time with my cat. I am always interested in learning about new things and sharing information with people, so I look forward to publishing articles for our newspaper!

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