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Danbury High School     43 Clapboard Ridge Road Danbury, CT 06811     (203) 797-4800

The Hatters' Herald

Danbury High School     43 Clapboard Ridge Road Danbury, CT 06811     (203) 797-4800

The Hatters' Herald

Danbury High School     43 Clapboard Ridge Road Danbury, CT 06811     (203) 797-4800

The Hatters' Herald

2024 Graduation


The time has finally come and we are officially sending our 2024 seniors off on June 14th. They crossed days off the calendar and wished for its early arrival and it has finally arrived. Danbury High School’s graduation is filled with speeches students will remember forever, and the gratification of walking across the stage and accepting their diploma.

Like every high school and college graduation, it is a never ending cycle of speeches from our class officers, the principal, student elected speakers, the valedictorian and the superintendent. This year’s Class President is Valerie Ramos, followed by the Principal Mr. Donovan, our student selected speakers, Pearl Chia and Will Sweeney, our valedictorian Shreya Sudarsanem and the Superintendent Kara Casimiro. 

Apart from planning the event as a whole, Mr. Donovan has to say goodbye to students he has watched grow. He says, “It is bitter sweet. I am very happy for the graduates, but getting to know some of them well over the last four years, it is sad to see them leave.” Sadly for him, once the end of June comes and he is done recuperating, it is time to plan and schedule making for the next school year to come. 

Every Danbury High School graduation requires tedious and meticulous planning to ensure everyone’s satisfaction. According to DHS principal Mr. Donovan, this preparation begins in March. Alongside Mr. Donovan, Mr. Larosa is also responsible for planning the event. The day of graduation they double-check all the microphones, the stage, the flowers, programs, etc. We can’t wait to see how the event plays out this year.  


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Lexie Naber
Lexie Naber, Staff Writer
Hi! My name is Lexie Naber, I am a junior at Danbury High school. This is my first year writing for the schools newspaper and I am excited to write about my interests involving the school. I joined this course to get a chance to venture out and explore writing about my interests. In the future I would love to pursue psychology but I would also like to keep my options open. I am looking forward to writing stories and having a great year at the Hatters Herald!

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