On Wednesday, March 11, 2025, the Danbury Police Department arrested five men trafficking two teenage girls.
Five men ranging in age from 23 to 40 were arrested in Danbury, CT, and charged with various crimes related to child exploitation and prostitution. Marco Robles and Edwin Quilli-Tacur were each charged with risk of injury to a child, illegal sexual activity, second-degree sexual assault, and commercial sex abuse of a minor. Bryan Vasquez-Salinas faced similar charges, such as the risk of injury to a child, illegal sexual activities, second-degree sexual assault, and conspiracy to commit sexual abuse to a minor. Oswaldo Or

donoez-Ortega was charged with the risk of injury to a child, trafficking in people, and first-degree prostitution. Stalin Vasquez was charged with conspiracy to commit commercial sex abuse of a minor (wtnh.com). According to the Danbury police department, they were arrested following a search warrant on Chappelle Street.
In Connecticut, Brothel houses and prostitution are illegal and are classified as a Class A misdemeanor, the highest type of misdemeanor, and have the maximum penalty of one year in jail and a fine of up to $2000. This prostitution law means that anyone aged 16 or older who participates in or offers sexual activities in exchange for money or any other form of payment can face criminal charges. Since the two teenagers are under the age of 16 they will be treated as victims.
The two 15-year-old girls are to remain anonymous and are referred to as Juvenile 1 and Juvenile 2. Juvenile 1 was from Queens, New York, and she stated to the police that a woman in NY had connected her with a man named Oswaldo Ordonoez-Ortega. Oswaldo Ordonoez-Ortega would contact her and tell her the date, time, and place where she had to be for “work.” The juvenile had been to Chappelle Street three times before the arrest. She told the police that Oswaldo Ordonoez-Ortega would pay for Uber from NY to CT, and her most recent trip was Monday, March 10, 2025, where she had sexual intercourse with seven different men(CTpost). Oswaldo Ordonoez-Ortega would pay her based on the amount of time men spent with her.
Juvenile 2 is originally from Venezuela and moved to Manhattan before coming to Danbury. Juvenile 2 claimed to have only been involved in the ring for a day or two after taking a one-hour Uber ride to the house on Chappelle Street on Monday. According to Court records, she informed the police that “an unidentified female instructed her to go to the address.” She also told the police that an unknown man offered her money to perform sexual activities Tuesday evening, and she walked into the room to do her “work” when the police raided the house.
Oswaldo Ordonoez-Ortega, Vasquez-Salinas, and Quilli-Tacuri are all to be present in court on April 9, and Robles is to be presented on April 28, 2025. The last, Vasquez, is expected to be present in court on April 2, 2025.