Jemecca Perkins, Arts Editor
My name is Jemecca Perkins, but I have always preferred Mecca. I am currently a senior at Danbury High School, and am the Arts Editor for our schools newspaper, the Hatter’s Herald. I have always been captivated by the art of journalism, but I always let my own personal anxieties get in the way of pursuing my goals. However, my junior year of high school, I decided I should push for my goal, and I joined the Journalism I class. I began as a staff writer, and worked my way to Arts Editor. After joining the Herald, I have become more involved with the school, pushed past my social insecurities, and allowed my love for the news and writing blossom. As for the 2015-2016 academic year, we are very excited to be taking the paper viral! We hope this attracts more people to become a part of the paper, so it can continue to thrive years to come!