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Danbury High School     43 Clapboard Ridge Road Danbury, CT 06811     (203) 797-4800

The Hatters' Herald

Danbury High School     43 Clapboard Ridge Road Danbury, CT 06811     (203) 797-4800

The Hatters' Herald

Danbury High School     43 Clapboard Ridge Road Danbury, CT 06811     (203) 797-4800

The Hatters' Herald

Luan Alves Dos Santos

Luan Alves Dos Santos, Staff Writer

Hello! My name is Luan Alves Dos Santos, I use He/They pronouns, and I'm currently a freshman at Danbury High School. I'm also part of two other clubs, GSA and the Nutmegger, and I'm the secretary of the Freshman Class Officers. I enjoy writing, drawing, and learning more about my interests, some being MILGRAM, World History, and Latin American Folklore.

All content by Luan Alves Dos Santos