Nanci DiPierrio
Nanci DiPierrio
- How many years have you worked at DHS?
I have been teaching at DHS for more than 10 years. I taught at Rogers Park for 10 years. I have also taught in New Milford and Stamford.
- How many years total in education?
I have been teaching for 36 years.
- Did you have another career? Details?
I have never had another career, but I do make jewelry. I sell it privately and at craft shows. It is my hobby and I love it. I have made jewelry for wedding parties.
- What department do you teach in?
I have taught Special Ed from pre-K through grade 12.
- What was your favorite course to teach?
I love teaching, every aspect of it. I love teaching at Danbury High because I learn so much from the diverse population of students. I learn something from them every day.
- What is one word your students would use to describe you?
I asked my advisory class for a word to describe me and they said kind, caring, thoughtful, even though some of my class students would disagree because I make them follow the rules so they will grow to be mature successful individuals.
- What is your favorite DHS memory?
My favorite memories … walking out of the building at the end of the day and seeing in the auditorium, the school play in rehearsal, students dancing outside the auditorium for the school play, ROTC marching in the parking lot. The band playing as I walk by the music wing or drive out of the parking lot and see the band practicing outside, or the color guard practicing. Looking out at the fields and seeing the students practicing with their school team. A teaching favorite would be when we made solar powered boxes in biology to measure the temperature of water. It was so fun sitting outside with the students and watching their excitement.
- What are your retirement plans?
When I retire, I plan to take care of my third grandchild to be born this August. I also want to volunteer at nursing homes, the library, preschools and perhaps at DHS. I also want to make tons of jewelry.
- If you could leave a piece of advice to your fellow teachers what would it be?
If I have any advice for other teachers and I would include students in this: Be kind. Kindness wins for everyone. Random acts of kindness make everyone feel special.
I treasure the years I have been at DHS. I shall never forget them.