Robert Weinheimer
Robert Weinheimer
- How many years have you worked at DHS?
I have been working at DHS for 18 years.
- How many years total in education?
I have 21 years total in education.
- Did you have another career? Details?
I am a retired naval officer.
- What department do you teach in?
I am in the Science Department.
- What was your favorite course to teach?
My favorite course to teach was Chemistry.
- What is one word your students would use to describe you?
My students would describe me as energetic.
- What is your favorite thing about DHS and why?
Many different children with many different experiences.
- What is your favorite DHS memory?
Participating in the school plays with big parts and smaller parts. The fellow thespians are very much exciting to be around.
- What are your retirement plans?
Enjoying my time off.
- If you could leave a piece of advice to your fellow teachers what would it be?
Enjoy your work.