Editorial: Thank you!

Staff photo

The bulletin board near the Main Office gives summer wishes.

As the school year draws to a close, we would be remiss if we left for summer vacation without expressing our thanks to those who helped make this such a successful — and award-winning — year for hattersherald.com. So, thank you to:

  • Our faithful readers. Our analytics show that our digital platform continues to build a following. Our Twitter and Instagram accounts are growing. We heard from readers in other states and other countries, including Canada, England and other parts of Europe.
  • Sal Pascarella, superintendent, and his cabinet members who have been so giving of their time, especially with our construction updates and stories on bathroom maintenance. When we needed an explanation, they were there for us.
  • Principal Dan Donovan, Associate Principal Meghan Martins, assistant principals Michael Clarke, Fallon Daniels, Domitila Pereira, and Kris Davidson, for all being so generous with their time, even when the topics were touchy.
  • All of DHS’s faculty and staff, including the building secretaries. We cannot remember one instance of any one of them saying “no comment” or that they didn’t have time for an interview or to give us the information we needed.
  • Vikki Carlson, head of counseling, the school counselors, yearbook adviser Tom Porcelli, and Kim Trocola of the Career Center for helping us with our graduation stories, photos and lists.
  • Athletics director Chip Salvestrini, his coaches and our student-athletes who constantly made time for us.
  • Head custodian Billie Anderson, an incredibly busy man who makes time for us anytime we need to interview him.

We acknowledge that talking with the press – especially as attacks on the press continue unabated from many corners — may sometimes make for a stressful or anxious moment. Thank you for trusting us with your time and thoughts, and for letting us know when we made errors. Enjoy your summer, and we look forward to covering the DHS community again in 2018-19.