Coach Tatarzycki wins CHSCA State Cheerleading Coach of the Year!


Mario Fuentes, Staff Writer

The cheerleading team here at DHS has been an absolute powerhouse and they will continue to be this year. Especially because they have a busy schedule with the new inclusion of the pep rally and the weekly football games. Not only are the students doing great but the coach, Joann Tatarzycki is also highly regarded, winning CHSCA State Cheerleading Coach of the Year! Expectations are high but it’s no surprise they break them every year. 


The new year has brought a lot to this promising Hatters team. With COVID limiting the number of people wanting to join sports teams over the past year or two, the number of people who want to join the team is finally starting to go up as COVID restrictions become less strict. Not only are new people joining the team but “Several members of this year’s team are coming off [their] best championship season ever last year” Coach Tatarzycki states. The team has adjusted comfortably to the new size of their roster and has been doing great so far this year.


A great team can’t be complete without a great coach and our coach is nothing short of spectacular. Joann Tatarzycki has been the varsity cheerleading coach since the 2011-2012 season. In that time she has won FCIAC Coach of the Year three times and has won the FCIAC championship five times. “Consistency is key” Coach Tatarzycki says. Keeping the same rules every year and having the same assistants by her side are key factors in her and the team’s success. She cares deeply for the team and has amazing pride in what she does. Her favorite part of coaching is “Seeing [her] athletes go on to be successful adults and watching many of them cheer in college and go on to coach as well. Also, seeing their faces when all of [their] hard work pays off with a championship” she says. She does the best for her team by turning them into a family and teaching them lessons that will help them for the rest of their lives.


The year has been extremely busy for the team. Practicing for football games has been something they’ve had to do every year, though this year brought a new school event that many have been requesting for years. DHS added a pep rally and the cheerleaders had to come up with new ways to get the entire school in a proud Hatter mood.  There is much to come for this aspiring team. Basketball season is starting soon and the team will be there every home game to cheer on our Hatters. Cheer competitions are to come soon as well.

Joann Tatarzycki will be honored for her Coach of the Year award this Tuesday 11/22/22 at the Aqua Turf in Southington.