Coldplay releases upbeat, ‘A Head Full of Dreams’

Coldplay releases upbeat, ‘A Head Full of Dreams’

Katie Clark, Staff Writer

Fans around the world had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Coldplay’s seventh and possibly last studio album.

Now that it’s out, Coldplay has shown the world that they still have what it takes to be on top.

Following their subdued, toned down album Ghost Stories, A Head Full of Dreams bounces back with an upbeat  playlist.

The first single to promote the album, “Adventure Of A Lifetime”, reached first place on Billboard’s top U.S. alternative charts and its music video was released only weeks after.

Billboard acknowledged the change in atmosphere, noting, “the dancey, colorful single is a noticeable change from the melancholy of Ghost Stories.”

Songs such as “A Head Full of Dreams” and “Birds” give listeners danceable tempos along with lighthearted lyrics. Lead singer Chris Martin  described the album to Billboard as “a big, joyful, colorful thing.”

The album setlist enlisted several big-name collaborators such as Beyonce, Tove Lo and Noel Gallagher from Oasis, who offer their vocals to songs.

Fans can even find President Obama singing “Amazing Grace” on their song “Kaleidoscope.”

To promote the album Coldplay is having a 2016 world tour, with dates in Europe and South America already being announced.

They hope to release North America tour dates soon.

If this is to be their final album, Coldplay certainly produced something that listeners would remember.